Moving away from "in group language" and using words that convey meaning
Sometimes, when we invite people into our midst who may not have the benefit of a church background, our words in worship sound foreign. In this case, what does it mean to share “the body” and “the blood” of Jesus. It has to do with Jesus’ presence and life, and we are sent into the world to be Jesus’ presence and life in the world after having received at the Table. The words may be used to convey that meaning.
At the Table - using words that convey meaning
Words of Institution
On the night on which Jesus was betrayed, he sat at supper with his disciples. While they were eating, he took a piece of bread, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them with the words, "This is my body. I am present with you. When you share this one loaf, remember me."
Later, he took a cup of wine, saying, "This is the new relationship with God made possible because of my life, When you share this cup, remember me."
Post-Communion Blessing
Now may the presence and life which you have received in these elements of bread and wine strengthen and keep you in God's grace into life everlasting.
Adapted by Rev. Tyler Gingrich, Rev. Vern Sundmark (All Saints Lutheran Church 2005-2012)
Recommended resources:
“A Wee Worship Book” (Wild Goose Worship Group), and
“Shaping Sanctuary” (edited by Kelly Turney)
image by Daniel Erlander
